Saturday, April 12, 2008

Task Two Topic One – Introduction to E-Commerce

Topic One – Introduction to E-Commerce

When I enrolled for this course I was unaware that the definition of e-commerce was so broad. I had though e-commerce was related only to business conducted over or via the internet and did not realise that the definition of e-commerce included any business transaction which was conducted electronically. As Wigand states in his paper ‘Electronic commerce includes any form of economic activity conducted via electronic connections’. You can then understand why e-commerce is such an integral part of today’s businesses.

I was very interested in the section of the Study Guide about the drivers of e-commerce. I was intrigued by the concept of whether the technology or business and consumers where driving the growth of e-commerce. After consideration I drew the conclusion that it is a bit of both. As technology improves and becomes more accessible people are becoming heavily reliant on the automatic transactions and the fast delivery of information.

Before studying this topic I was unaware of the large number of models that encompassed e-commerce. I had really only seen the internet as a vehicle for businesses to sell to individual consumers. I now realise that the internet is a way in which a large number of different business models can reach potential customers

In my own work experience I now realise what an impact e-commerce has had on my daily work habits and how the corporation I have worked for has incorporated e-commerce into their everyday business transactions. Almost everything I do currently in my current banking position relies on e-commerce in its broadest definition. I receive emails, use a mobile phone, access the internet, use a database all these things are essential for businesses in today’s marketplace. I do wonder if e-commerce does impact on some businesses ability to operate efficiently as I know when thing go wrong everything stops at my work place for example when the server goes down we are unable to even use the telephone.

I believe one of the greatest impacts of e-commerce on business is the need for businesses to have a web presence. Having a web presence allows customers to access information about the company 24 hours a day 7 days a week – now stores never need to close!

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